
Our street address is 5981 Fountain Rd., Old Zionsville, PA.

We are located at the corner of Fountain Rd and King’s Highway South.

You can get directions to the church from your location using Google Maps. If you see a blank area below instead of a map, you can access the map directly.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of our church is to be a congregation devoted to our community where we experience and share the loving presence of God by teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ, by celebrating God’s Word in the Bible, and through loving service to all people.

Postal Mail Address

Please use this address for all postal mail:

Old Zionsville UCC
P. O. Box 215
Old Zionsville, PA 18068

Find Us

Please use this address to locate our physical building (we cannot accept postal mail at this address; be sure to use our P.O. Box noted above for postal mail):

5981 Fountain Road
Zionsville, PA 18092