News of the Week
Friday, March 21, 2025
Hi All!
Join us Sunday, March 23, at 9 a.m. for Sunday School for children and 10:15 a.m. for worship.
Remember that in case of church cancellations, you may watch or check WFMZ TV channel 69 or email or call me for the most recent information. Do not wander out if the roads seem dangerous. We will always err on the side of caution and sometimes it is because our parking lots are not safe. Most times decisions will be made before 9:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning. But always use your best judgment about going out.
We will be collecting prom dresses until Easter. If you have any formal wear that you would like to donate including purses, shoes, accessories, please put them in a bag outside of my office marked Prom. These items will be donated to Salisbury High School this year.
Join in on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. until April 30 to watch The Chosen season 3 in our lower social hall. We watch an episode and then discuss it. Snacks included. All welcome.
Slovak Kolach (Fruit/Nut Rolls) are being sold to have in time to serve for Easter. Rolls are made by Country Cottage Bake Shop in Tamaqua, are approximately 15” long and sell for $18.00 each. Roll choices include Apricot, Walnut, Lekvar (Prune), Seedless Red Raspberry, Poppyseed and Pumpkin Cheese. Orders must be into the Church by Sunday, March 23, 2025. Checks payable to Old Zionsville UCC. Pick up date is Tuesday, April 15, 2025 between 5-6:30 p.m. in the downstairs social room. To order please call the church office or email (610-966-3601 or These freeze well and will be a tasty addition to any meal!
Picnic Patio tickets have been purchased for an Iron Pigs Game scheduled on Saturday, June 21, 2025 with first pitch at 6:35 p.m. We will be seated in the Picnic Pavilion and have the buffet dinner (included in price). This is also a Fireworks show after the game. Tickets are $28.00 per person. Signup by Sunday, March 30 along with your payment to Linda or Mark Weaver. You can see them in church on Sundays or you can send your checks (made out to Mark Weaver) to their home address.
Our friend, Heidi Buck, is going on a mission trip to Israel from October 15-27, 2025. Each team member is raising their own mission costs of $4,700. To that end, she is offering the following to help raise money. Details about the where to send money and how to make out the checks are provided on request. Flyers regarding this information will be posted on the bulletin board by the water fountain at OZ UCC. Call Heidi for complete information. We are just advertising this for her and have no connection with the group she is going with. This is for your information and your opportunity to support her in this endeavor. She is mostly requesting our prayers for this experience. You can connect with Heidi through Facebook for more information and to place orders and make reservations.
- High Tea For Missions: Sunday afternoons 4 – 6 p.m. $40 per person, closed on Passover, Easter Mother’s Day and last day will be October 12, 2025; any Sunday starting now. You must make reservations for 2 – 6 guests per Sunday at Heidi’s home. Each guest will receive assorted teas to choose from, scone and soup, 4 tea sandwiches, 3 tea desserts. Served on pretty china in Heidi’s dining room.
- Handmade Soap for Missions: Organic Goat’s Milk soap bars, 3.5 oz each. No PEG, SLES/SLS, ETC. $8.50 each or 7.50 each for 3 scents: Lavender, Rose, Lemongrass, or tell her your favorite and she will make it for you.
Other News
- Youth group will meet again on Friday, Mar. 21, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. All are welcome.
- New Member classes will be held in both April and May. Join us downstairs in the lower social hall to get to know each other and learn more about the UCC. We meet from 9 – 10 a.m. on April 6 and 13 and then on April 13, we will join the church during worship at 10:15 a.m. You can also meet on May 4 and 11 in the lower social hall from 9 – 10 a.m. each Sunday. On May 11, we will join the church during worship at 10:15 a.m. More details provided when you sign up with Pastor Lori. Please call, text, 610-393-3522 or email her to reserve your spot for this brief introduction to our fellowship 🙂 You don’t need to do both. Choose one or the other.
- We are collecting offering for the One Great Hour of Sharing collection during the month of March. Gifts will be dedicated on Sunday March 30. We will also celebrate a baptism that day.
- Did you know that your smoke detectors are only good for about 10 years? After that time you should change them out for new ones! Bring your old smoke detectors to the church to recycle! They need to be recycled as hazardous waste because of internal components. Leave them at Pastor Lori’s office door and we will recycle them for you! Please take out any regular batteries and we can recycle those too! See the bucket at the door of her office.
- We will also take “running” dehumidifiers. PPL will pick up units at my house if I have more than 2 to recycle. They will also give us $10 for each unit. So please check with me if you have a running but possibly inefficient unit you would like me to recycle. Thanks!
- Do you have expired batteries to get rid of? Don’t throw them away; bring them to the church to recycle!! Staples will accept certain types of batteries for recycling, and our church will get credit for taking them in. I will have boxes at the front and ramp doors for your “contributions.” We have made over $159 toward Staples purchases already with your contributions! This collection will continue, so keep your expired batteries coming! Batteries to recycle by bringing them to the boxes at church:
- Lithium ion (Li-Ion)
- Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH)
- Nickel zinc (Ni-ZN)
- Non-rechargeable lithium
- Rechargeable nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd)
- Single-use alkaline
- Small sealed lead acid (SSLA/Pb)
As always, we have many members and friends in need of prayer due to death, illness, loneliness, new living situations, and other difficult times; remember, too, those who still recover from war, oppression, and natural disasters all around the world. We also have many members and friends celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and other joys, from new babies to cancer remission and so much more. Please continue your faithful prayers for comfort, strength, healing, and thankfulness. Thank you for being the church!
Peace to all,
Lori Esslinger
Part Time Pastor, Old Zionsville UCC
call or text: 610-393-3522