Church News
October 2020 Newsletter
October 4 – No Sunday School, 10:15am World Wide Communion Worship
Committee Annual Reports are due
Collection for Meals on Wheels
October 11 – No Sunday School
10:15am Worship, Collection for Upper Milford Western District Fire Company
October 18 – No Sunday School, 10:15am Worship, Dedication Sunday, Baptism, Loose offering will go into Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, Collection for Macungie Ambulance Corps
October 25 – No Sunday School, 10:15am Worship, All Saints Day, Collection for Phoebe Home Ministries
Looking Ahead☺
November 1 – No Sunday School, 10:15am Communion Worship, Collection for Second Harvest Food Bank
November 8 – No Sunday School, 10:15am Worship, Collection for Vacation Bible School
November 15 –No Sunday School, 10:15am Worship, Annual Congregation Meeting, Loose offering will go into Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, Collection for Conference of Churches
November 22 – No Sunday School, 10:15am Worship, Burn Our Sins, Collection for Sixth Street Shelter
November 29 – 10:15am Worship, First Sunday of Advent
Annual Congregation Meeting on Sunday November 15, 2020
News from Christian Ed…
We have been mailing Sunday School papers to the children of the church. We are hopeful that the kiddos are enjoying those and working to continue their Bible learning. With Faith in God, we hope to open our Sunday School in January. Please stay tuned for further information. Thanks to all for having patience!
News from Computer and Media Committee…
We have received 50 resumes for the Social Media Coordinator position. The committee is in the process of weeding out the resumes and planning interviews for potential candidates. Stay tuned!
Our tech team of the committee has been busy at work updating our wiring, completing the computer/projector connections in the Sanctuary. A special Thanks to Mark Weaver for faithfully compiling the power point presentation for each Sunday. It sure makes it easier for us to worship without hymnals and Bibles when everything we need is on the screen. Thanks so much Mark for your gift of time to this ministry and your creative talent in making it interesting!!
Our tech team has also completed the install of the cameras surrounding the building for security. Just last week we had an episode that required looking back on the cameras to see who did the little mischief. We are grateful now to have photographs that are time and date stamped so we can go to the families of these children and ask them to correct what they did. What a blessing you are TEAM! Thank you!
News from the Evangelism and Membership Committee…
After surveying our members, the following was decided by the majority. We will gather to watch the Sight and Sound live action DVD of MOSES together on Sunday October 18 at 2 p.m. in the afternoon in the Sanctuary. We have been studying Moses in worship for the past 3 weeks. On that Sunday, we conclude our study of Moses and what a fitting way to end the story! The DVD is lovingly shared by Linda Weaver so there is no cost to celebrate the story for anyone. All welcome to come and hang out for an inspiring afternoon of Bible learning and fellowship. The DVD is about 2 hours long, so bring your pillows to make your seating more comfortable or your rocking chairs to fit into the sanctuary. It will be a delightful time for all! Mark your calendars NOW! We will be taking an intermission.
So feel free to bring snacks and wear comfortable clothes to go out for a walk to stretch.
News from our Food Pantry…
Zionsville Area Food Pantry is located at Zion’s Lutheran Church; their mailing address is P.O. Box 56, Old Zionsville, PA 18068. Their phone number is 610-554-8340, you may text. The distribution for the food pantry is always the second Monday and following Wednesday and Saturday of each month. Monday and Wednesday distribution is 4 – 6 p.m. Saturday distribution is 10 a.m. to 12 noon. You are always welcome to help and/or to visit/observe. It is a great operation. Clients are encouraged to have appointments but we do accept walk-ins too. As church leaders, feel free to suggest to folks in need that this is available to them. They should call the phone number for a recorded message that explains the process to them.
Our church will not be supplying food toward Thanksgiving Bags this year. The Panty will be giving out gift cards to families to go shopping for what they need.
PLEASE NOTE: The All Things Free Room is NOT accepting clothing donations at this time. But they do NEED towels, wash cloths, bedding – sheets, bedspreads, blankets. You may bring these to the church at any time or contact Millie Kohler at 610-737-9432.
They will also be doing a Christmas Shop again this year. Donations of anything new, like new or regifted will be accepted from now until October 30. Please bring your donations to the church or call Millie. Thank you for your help!
News from the FUN Group…
Faith Uniting Neighbors Group
Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child
FUN Group is bringing back the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for 2020.
Samaritan’s Purse is an organization whose purpose is to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel.
One of the projects that Samaritan’s Purse sponsors is Operation Christmas Child where individuals and organizations can pack a shoebox with items to be sent to children around the world. According to the website, “A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children’s lives all over the world in Jesus’ Name through the power of a simple gift with Operation Christmas Child.”
Join the FUN Group and pack a shoebox (or 2). You can use a regular average size shoe box or a plastic one (which can have multiple uses). Here’s what to do:
- Start with an empty shoebox (cardboard shoeboxes will be available in October)
- Choose boy or girl, and age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14 (labels to identify boy/girl and age will be available in October)
- Fill shoebox with toys, school supplies, clothes, and hygiene items.
- Return the filled shoebox to Old Zionsville UCC (Deadline: Sunday, October 25)
- Cost to ship a shoebox is $9. If you don’t want to pack a shoebox, you can still participate by writing a check to OZUCC to cover the cost of 1 or more shoeboxes.
Gift suggestions:
- All
- Toys — Start with a central item that a child will cherish, like a beautiful doll, a deflated soccer ball with pump, or a plush stuffed animal. Then add quality items like cars, musical instruments, puzzles, jump ropes, etc.
- School Supplies such as pencils, pens, crayons, notebooks, coloring books, etc.
- Non-Liquid
Hygiene Items such as toothbrushes, bar soap, washcloths, combs, etc.
- Accessories such as socks, hats, t-shirts, flip-flops, hair bands, sunglasses, etc.
- Personal Note and photo of you and your family/group. If you include your name and address, the child may be able to write back.
- Younger
- blankets, sticker and picture books, blocks, finger puppets
- Older
- small tools, tape measures, sewing kits, fabric squares, etc. solar calculators, rulers, scissors, jewelry, deodorant
- used or damaged items, war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures, seeds, chocolate or food; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snowglobes or glass containers; aerosol cans, toothpaste, candy
- refrain from packing storybooks, due to not knowing what language the child speaks
Looking Ahead
CWS Hygiene Kits
In lieu of the Angel Tree and Share the Warmth, we have decided to collect Hygiene Kits for Church World Service in December and January. If you would like to participate, please complete a kit in its entirety and return it to church no later than Sunday, January 31, 2021.
Supplies needed for each kit:
- One hand towel measuring approximately 15” x 28” to 16” x 32”
(NO fingertip, bath, dish towel or microfiber)
- One washcloth
- One WIDE tooth comb removed from the package
- One fingernail or toenail clipper removed from the package
- One BATH size bar of soap in the wrapper
- One toothbrush in the package
- Ten STANDARD size Band aids
All items need to fit inside a ONE-GALLON PLASTIC ZIPPER CLOSURE BAG. Remove the excess air from the bag and seal. DO NOT add any extra items or toothpaste. A tube of extended expiration date toothpaste will be added to each Hygiene Kit just prior to its journey.
- February 2021 – Full size toiletry collection for the Zionsville Area Food Pantry
- March/April 2021 – CWS Disaster Buckets (depending on availability of required cleaning supplies)
Hobby/Craft Night – Cancelled until further notice.
Dan Schantz Fundraiser
Coupons for FUN Group’s Dan Schantz Fundraiser are included in this month’s newsletter. They are good until December 25. We will receive $2.00 when the coupon or app is presented with a minimum $10.00 purchase. Remember you can share them with friends, too!
News from Music and Worship Committee…
Special thanks to Nancy Civitts and Carolyn Rhoads for their amazing creation of another beautiful Harvest Home Display. Thanks to all of you in the church family for bringing the cans and food items to make it extra wonderful. The Food Pantry will benefit by getting our extra LOVE this month. Thanks to all.
October is Fire Safety Month! Please use the closest exit to get out of the building. If we are in a group setting, the safe place to gather is the cemetery, away from the building. In that location, we will be out of the way of any equipment needed to put out the fire or help in whatever situation is happening. Always remain calm and know that God is with us!
Each year the FUN Group would donate money raised from the Bazaar and Basket Auction to different Charities. Since we were unable to have the Bazaar and Basket Auction this year we are focusing on one charity a week in Worship to learn more about each of them and what they have to offer. We are taking a joyful noise offering that you can contribute to your favorites or all of them so we can still share our support this year. The following is a list of the charities and the week we are supporting them. Thank you!
Oct. 4: Meals on Wheels
(World Communion Sunday – we break
bread together)
Oct. 11: Upper Milford Western District Fire
Company Fire Prevention week
Oct. 18: Macungie Ambulance Corps
Oct. 25: Phoebe Home Ministries – (All Saints Day)
Nov. 1: Second Harvest Food Bank
Nov. 8: Zionsville Area Vacation Bible School
Nov. 15: Lehigh County Conference of Churches
Nov. 22: Sixth Street Shelter
Dedication Sunday, October 18 – We will be remembering and dedicating the work that has been done around the building this past year. Join us to remember and celebrate the work that our funds have provided and that some of our members used their hands to create!
All Saint’s Day Sunday will be October 25 at 10:15 a.m. during worship. Letters have been sent out to the family members of loved ones who have died this past year. If you have any questions about our All Saint’s Day remembrance, please contact Pastor Lori. If your loved one has died this year, please plan on being with us to celebrate this moving ceremony of remembrance. We invite loved ones to come forward to light a candle in memory of the one who has died. Bring your whole family to mark this time in remembrance and celebration of the life that was lived.
News from the Outlook Committee…
Our Annual Cookie Walk has been cancelled for December.
News from The Village School…
The Village School has been busy cleaning out and sharing items that were used by students and teachers alike. There are items in the upper social hall available for the taking. You may find great toys and books for grandchildren, visiting neighbor children or for other children you may know. We thank the Village School teachers for their hard work during this time. Stay tuned for a time to honor the School and the staff for the 40 years of service to the community. We will be celebrating them in worship on a Sunday in November. Thank you Village School for all you have shared both now and over the years!
The Property Committee has been tasked with taking care of the Playground and flower beds at the entrance to the cemetery that was previously well taken care of by Village School employees. You will see several changes as we do the best we can with making it safe and easily maintainable by our church staff.
Help us to put together a book of memories for these faithful teachers and helpers.
News from the Windows Committee…
Exciting news! Work has begun on the restoration of the twin stained glass windows flanking the organ. Cumberland Stained Glass of Mechanicsburg, PA was selected from five studios to perform the restoration. Cumberland has been in business since 1992 and owner Bryan Lerew has over 40 years experience in the industry.
Repairs to the windows have been made in-house over the years, the latest being in 2000. But since the windows are over 100 years old, Cumberland advised that continuing to make repairs is no longer feasible and is a waste of our resources. Instead, they recommend a complete restoration of the windows which includes:
- REPAINTING OF THE MEDALLIONS which have deteriorated beyond repair. The medallions will be repainted and returned to the original beauty intended by the artist. This step began with the removal of the medallions and transport to the studio on September 14th. Clear blue glass was temporarily inserted in the openings.
- REMOVAL OF THE WINDOWS for transport to Cumberland’s studio where they will be dismantled, the glass will be hand-washed and reassembled with new lead came and then reinstalled into their respective openings. Painted glass that is badly broken will be replicated. The openings will be temporarily closed with 1/2” homasote.
- INSTALLATION OF NEW PROTECTIVE COVERINGS which will be vented at the top and bottom of each window to prevent heat and moisture build-up and to preserve the stained glass.
- EXISTING WOOD WINDOW FRAMES will be scraped, primed and painted.
Cumberland expects to remove the windows in the next few weeks and anticipates returning them by December.
Your continued financial support of the windows project throughout the summer has been outstanding and we are happy to report that the Change for the Windows jar brought in another $134.91. Kudos to all!
Annual Congregation Meeting on Sunday, November 15, 2020
October is Pastor Appreciation Month!!!
The History Of Pastor Appreciation Day –
Pastor Appreciation Day started as “Clergy Appreciation Day”, the idea of showing appreciation for your Clergy, Pastors, or Leaders is very Biblical and can be traced all the way back to Paul’s new testament letters. Paul mentions this idea in a number of different letters that he writes to the various churches. Paul says this in his first letter to Timothy, “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17 (English Standard Version). Paul highlights the fact that our Pastors be considered worthy of double honor for assuming this role in His church and do it well. But, typically with double honor, you can expect double stress, this is why we need to make an even greater effort to celebrate and encourage those in leadership.
Clergy Appreciation Day/Pastors Appreciation Day was not commercialized until the early 1990’s, Hallmark Cards in 1992 and Focus On The Family led the charge in 1994 by making it a point to remind congregations to make the month of October special for their Pastor. Now with the growth of media and technology, the idea that sprang from Paul has now evolved and diffused into even more congregations around the world.
This time of year is most important as we should all appreciate or learn to appreciate our Pastors or Leaders and encourage them as much as they encourage each of us. Remember to say “Thank you Pastor Lori”.
Our Church Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 15 immediately following worship. We hope all members will stay for this brief but important meeting to approve the church budget and to elect and approve new members for Consistory. If you have interest in serving on Consistory or any committee, please speak with Pastor Lori. A nominating committee is being formed but the Call of God is stronger!!
We are in the process of preparing a new Church Membership Directory with names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and anniversaries. Please make sure your contact information is up to date especially if you have moved or changed phone numbers. Thank you. These are projected to be available in December.
Nov 1, 2020 – Daylight Saving Time End at 2:00a.m. on Sunday, November 1, 2020, clocks are turned backward 1 hour. Set yours back on Saturday night before going to bed so you are not late for church!
In order to be reimbursed, or to receive credit as a church donation, original receipts for labor and materials purchased on behalf of the church must be received in the office within 60 days of the date from purchase or by January 11, 2021 for purchases in November and December, 2020.
Eyeglass Donations – A collection box for used eyeglasses is located at the front door entrance of the Sanctuary. The Lions Club appreciates your donation.
There are two Bulletin Magnifier Sheets available for you to use in worship. They are the size of a full sheet of paper and can be found in the side pocket on the sound system. Pick one up and try it out, then return it to the sound system after worship.
Make a Daily Click!!! At What You Can Do: Small Actions, Big Results – Did you know that you can make a difference by simply clicking a button on your computer that will provide resources to those in need? And the best part: It is FREE! According to Les Schoenberger, who has been doing this for years, it is easy to do! He does this every day and the clicks add up. Look under the Free Actions tab and scroll down, you will be able to click on 11 sites that provide free help for all kinds of things like: Breast Cancer, Hunger, Alzheimer’s, Rain Forest, Clean Water and more! Check it out!